
Help me get to know your family. 💛

Please answer the following questions as thoughtfully and honestly as you can. At the end, I'll send you a way for us to meet up online, so you can see if we're a good fit.

This should take 5-10 minutes to complete.


Question 1 of 10



Question 1 of 10: How many children do you have? What are their ages? 

Question 2 of 10

Question 2 of 10: What would you like me to know about the makeup of your family? (Married / divorced / single parenting / particularly religious / BIPOC / LGBTQ+ / working from home, working out of the home/ home-schooling / unschooling etc...?) Anything at all that significantly shapes the experience of your parenting...


Question 3 of 10

Question 3 of 10:  Are there any special circumstances regarding your children that would be helpful for me to know (ie adoption, medical diagnoses, neurodiversity, history of trauma, gender identity questions)? Feel free to write N/A if none. 

Question 4 of 10

Question 4 of 10:  What's going well for you right now with your kids? Where in parenting do you SHINE? (If you can't answer this easily right now, that's ok. I will help you uncover your strengths throughout the program.)

Question 5 of 10

Question 5 of 10:  What is the biggest challenge you face in parenting, and how are you currently handling it? (You know, those moments that make you scream in a pillow or wish you could go live on a mountaintop alone somewhere?)

Question 6 of 10

Question 6 of 10: How committed are you to finding an inspired way to handle this issue?





Question 7 of 10

Question 7 of 10: How familiar are you with my work? Have you been following me for years, or have you just found me and are wondering where the heck I've been this whole time you were crying in the bathroom alone? Please elaborate...

Question 8 of 10

Question 8 of 10: Which of the following statements best describes your current circumstance?

(Select all that apply)

Parenting is going pretty well, and my kid is great. I just love geeking out about all this and want to do the very best I can.


I am really struggling with certain aspects of parenting, and I feel like if I don't get help now, I am going to explode. I have a vision in my heart of what I wanted this all to feel like, and how we are currently living is NOT it.


I need strategies, tools, and systems that will actually be effective with a strong willed kid. The things that seem to work for other kids don't work for mine. I keep hoping there must be something that could help this stubborn & fragile child, but I haven't found it yet.


I feel lonely in my parenting journey. No one seems to get what my experience is, not even those closest to me. It would mean a lot to me to have a community of people surrounding me who get it and don't judge me, so I could find my voice and my strength.

Question 9 of 10

Question 9 of 10: Which of the following two statements is most true for you? 


I am willing, ready, and able to invest in making my family rise, and in actively creating a legacy I can be proud of for generations to come. While I understand this kind of growth will be uncomfortable at times; I am ok with that, and even a little excited! I don't want to spend another day not acing this.


I am actually just looking for a quick solution right now, and not in a place where I want to invest emotionally, spiritually, and financially right now. While I am not looking for a deeply customized experience, I do really like this community and would love a way to keep learning around the edges.

Question 10 of 10

Question 10 of 10: This one's for you! Do you have any questions you'd like to ask ME right now? 

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