Our six-month course meets families where they are – full of love, but overwhelmed. We work with you to identify YOUR goals.

Then we help you transform them into reality, one by one, just as we did for the parents on this page. Read their stories. Then write your own. 

"I am on a high! The sibling rivalry has changed so much, I actually felt sane after the weekend which is amazing. And then, yesterday I said- hey wanna learn to wash your hair yourself? And he said yes and today he did EVERYTHING himself and came out so proud! Gobsmacked." - C.D. 

"There aren’t fights anymore at bedtime. Like none! I’m just mad I didn’t do this sooner!" -S.D. 

I have so much more kindness for myself, my husband and my kiddos. I enjoy being with my kids now, I like and love them!! I haven't always been able to say that.” - M.F.


"When I parent like this for my son it is monumental, above and beyond for him. He just melts into cooperation." -S.T.

"I am a scientist, and Abigail's way of framing things truly speaks to me at my core. I’ve always known that calm is contagious and anxiety breeds anxiety, but this puts it into a whole new perspective for me. So so helpful." -A.L.

"I am truly thankful for my strong-willed child now, I’m also thankful to have the support of this course as I can’t imagine how frustrated we would all be without it." -K.H.


"What you are doing is so very special and unlike anything I’ve ever come across. And it is SOO needed especially for parents of these remarkable and unique kiddos."- M.W."

"When we started this three months ago, I was like oooh. I don't know,  this is expensive. Can we do this? And now three months later, I feel like, man, we couldn't afford NOT having done this.  It is saving our family."- A.G.

"Got us to bedtime without a single power struggle, and none of me feeling like I was powerless or stomped upon.”- C.D.


"This course makes my soul glow." - M.L.



"Thank you for making such a safe place for me today on the call. I can't get over how supportive and nonjudgmental everyone was. I spoke with my husband about it afterward and he loved the advice you gave. Thank you from deep down. " - E.S.


"I used to feel what am I doing wrong that my kid acts like this? and why is my kid so much harder than my friends’ kids? This group has brought me so much comfort and it feels like a weight has been lifted that others 'get it.' And helping my kid through his tantrum this morning and then watching him apologize tonight all on his own was HUGE. This situation would have looked drastically different a couple months ago, so thank YOU for all of this amazing teaching that is guiding this transformation." - J.T.

"TTP has changed my life. In so many ways. I think the largest way is feeling like a solid foundation in where I’m coming from as a parent even as that shifts at times as well. It’s been so helpful for me to be able to tune out all the noise of what parenting or life “should” look like. Luckily I got the motivation I needed to finally type this out as my husband is very happy that I took the course." - T.R.


"Every single call, every single class, I’m FLOORED by the content, the resilience, the love, and the aaaachey good rewiring of my brain." - K.O. 



"My husband is noticing a huge difference! He said in the beginning he was skeptical that we 'needed' anything like a 'parenting class' but he's noticed so much goodness come from it. He even complimented me for being able to see we needed something more for our family and having the energy to take action. His validation, both for me as a mom and for the benefits of the class, brought tears to my eyes." - B.S.

"TTP has become a necessary part of my day to day. It was up there on my list “Best of 2019.” Thanks for saving my house from burning down. Thanks for loving me even when I showed you how ugly I can be." -A.R.

"I have learned so much!! I know now that I am enough for my kids, that I really can change and eliminate the rage that was flowing through my body last year. Things feel so much different - I know my children better. I never thought we could be this connected so soon." - M.W.


"OMG, what a mindflip to go from feeling like I have a challenging child to being excited, honored and grateful for having this wonderful child to raise :)" - M.L.

"I realized today that I can’t remember the last time I shouted at the boys and felt the red mist take over. This is so huge for me; I now have the tools and gems in my armory that help me to feel empowered to meet EVERYONE's needs (including mine, hurrah!). It feels like my nervous system is beginning to recover & the ripple effect feels like basking in the sun." - L.W.

“Coming from a gentle parenting background, I was mystified as to why we still had loads of problems with him. But viewed through Abigail's matrix his behavior makes a lot more sense. So I now do things the way she has taught me to. Result = dramatically reduced meltdowns!” - R.W.


"My husband is seeing real change. So now he's open to it too.  Some real magic is happening over here." -J.P.

“6 months ago I would have picked him up and put him in the car. This did not happen today. Two months ago I probably would have frozen on the spot because I knew I didn’t want to put him in the car but didn’t know what else to do. But today I had other strategies available.” - G.G.

We have tried absolutely everything over all these years and your work is the only thing we have found that actually makes complete sense to us. -Y.L.

"We played duck duck goose on the trampoline and then they started playing games together. For once, I noticed they WERE NOT FIGHTING. I soaked it in… They were HOLDING HANDS and laughing." -V.G.


"I'm not a recipient of what life presents anymore, I'm an agent, even when I feel beaten down." - N.S.

"I felt like we finally broke the cycle and I was able to connect, when usually I lose him completely. What a gift going into the holidays. Grateful for this group and all of your wisdom Abigail! The cracks of light are finding their way back into our home." - A.S.

"I absolutely like my children more now due to your program. I understand them better now and have tools to enjoy them in all their bonkers glory." -G.G.


"Mind. Blown. Honestly Never heard this before and I think its going to be life changing for my life." -A.F.



You and your team are nothing short of miracle workers! Thank you again for pouring your heart and soul into creating this incredible community!!! I’m forever grateful!!!”- K.P

"You have impacted me so much farther than parenting. It’s truly been a reparenting of myself and has afforded me a different perspective on who I am and who I want to be." -S.L.

"Exactly what I need to support my children. This makes it possible to have a more organized approach ... so grateful!" - G.D.


“What strikes me as different about this approach from everything else is how empowered I feel to learn my own kid moment-to-moment and tailor my parenting to her.” - A.C.

“I think my absolute favorite out of all of it, was listening to the coaching calls, I feel like that's where the rubber meets the road. You get to hear what it looks like in practice. I was watching the calls and thinking “Okay, that's what it's going to look like. Or that's what it could look like.” - A.L.

"I feel like tonight I could see a very real shift in my daughter and could tie that to actual work I have been doing. She PUT ON CLOTHES I just bought her BY HERSELF WITHOUT THRASHING AND FREAKING OUT!!! For this clothing sensory/control kid...this is so huge for us. I can see my daughter's confidence growing and expanding right in front of me :)". - T.N.G 


“I’ve been noticing that I rarely rage over my kids' behaviors anymore. I just love this!!!” -M.F.



"MFA is the f*cking bomb. Ahhhhhh. Ahhhhhh. %*#£”." - K.A.

The community I didn't know I needed." - S.L.

"Kid jiu jitsu.  
Amazing." - J.A.


The whole reason I am a therapist was because shit was broken during my teen years and maybe before.  And seriously this is the first time I feel like I have begun to understand those wounds.  Because it’s the first time I have worked with someone so devoted to the parent-child dynamic." - T.G. 

“It took your flame, Abigail, to light my candle and start me on this path that now feels so natural and easy. I am loving this so much!” - A.F.


"This works magically! We had a situation we were sure would be a meltdown. My partner said, "well what would your class have you do about this?" almost as a challenge. I remembered Abigail talking about this exact thing in class, so I sat down next to my daughter and did it. Meltdown avoided!" - T.N. 

"We are already in a much better place and several times I’ve said, “maybe she’s just growing out of it “. But I realize how silly that is, it’s clearly the work we’re putting in." - J.H.

"It is remarkable how on point you are with your messages and the timing and order of things. And also the additional topics that you add to address the complex things we’re feeling. Quite remarkable." - M.H.

"Huge shifts happening at my house, and we’re not done yet." - V.G.


The belief in my head used to be that I was a bad mom. Your program helped me to have peace in my motherhood, truly! I feel far more capable." - J.R.

"I really believe I could have been stuck for such a long time without you showing me the way out. There are so many nuances that I don't think I would have picked up any other way. You should be really proud of your work and your ability to shift people's lives." -J.G.

"Our house in general is more understanding and lighter - my husband and I have conversations that have made me fall in love with him all over again - seeing his dedication and willingness to change and be better and try again every day." - T.R.