25 ways parenting has reinvented you — and one way you can reinvent it back. :) empowerment Oct 26, 2022

First you were you. 

Then you were a parent.

Same you...

But different:

1. sleep schedule

2. priorities

3. friends

4. sex/dating life

5. hip width

6. relationship to your in-laws

7. relationship to your own parents

8. frequency with which you lose your temper 

9. working memory capacity...

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Happy "Emotional Labor" Day empowerment Sep 05, 2022

Today was Labor Day in the U.S.

And while all jobs everywhere deserve to be honored, perhaps none deserve to be recognized more than the job of parenting. 

It is the silent job that so many of us do in the background of our "real jobs." It's the one we don't get paid for, that has no...

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Struggle to hold boundaries, feel respected, and get heard? empowerment Aug 27, 2022

A couple of years ago, a mom came to me, practically crying because she so badly wanted her kids to simply bring their cups to the sink

We had an amazing conversation about this that had absolutely nothing to do with the cups or the sink. 

I am going to take a guess...

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Can we all agree to disagree? empowerment Jul 23, 2022

I saw this post from Adam Grant on Instagram this week and it made my heart happy:

It also reminded me of a school project I heard about once, where the 5th graders had to argue all sides of an argument between a nature conservancy and a logging company. They had to take turns...

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An Unusual Mother's Day Wish empowerment trauma May 14, 2017

This mother’s day, I’d love to reach out to all the moms out there who maybe didn’t have a mom. Or at least not the kind you’d ever call Mom.

You didn’t have a Mom who would put a band-aid on your knee when you fell skating, or maybe you never even got to skate with...

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